How To Solve Floating Cube Puzzle, Desolation Edge – Borderlands 3

Last Updated on October 11, 2019

While completing the storyline I came across this huge floating cube at Desolation Edge. I had no idea at first that this thing can actually drop me a lot of loot, it did look like a normal borderlands thing. But, a friend of mine told me that it drops loot and requires solving. If you are like me and need help with solving it, continue reading this article to find out.

The cube is very easy to find, it’s huge and you’ll be able to see as soon as you spawn on Desolation’s Edge and head out. One thing to remember is, that this puzzle can be solved only once per character in one mode. Once completed, the cube will disappear.

How To Solve Floating Cube Puzzle

Solving this puzzle is easy and hard at the same time. Let’s talk about solving it first, to solve it you need to shoot each side of the puzzle with an element that it represents, these elements being; cryo, shock, radiation, corrosive, incendiary and no-element, that makes 5 elements and one gun with no element. After shooting the element, the side will will light up, continue doing this for all sides. Once you are done with shooting, the box will stop rotating and the base of the cube will separate. After the separation the rain of loot will happen.

For Solos: You can carry only four weapons at once so, carrying maliwan weapons might be the right choice for you since they have an option for switching between elements.

For Squads: You can co-ordinate with your squad to carry different elements of each type. This is fairly simple and if you fail to do so, just load in and try again.

Dropped Loot!

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Written by Vikas

Hey, I am Vikas. I've had a longstanding passion for computing and gaming for over a decade now. With a computer science degree under my belt sparking my initial interest in the industry from a young age, you'll often find me immersed for hours in the latest PC titles, especially enjoying multiplayer online games, while also enjoying sharing my insights and reviews. My work has been featured on IGN, Kotaku, MSN and Forbes to name a few. In my spare time, I read books and play with my cats. You can read more about me here. My favorite games are Destiny 2, Warframe, COD Cold War, and Minecraft.

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