Borderlands 3 – How To Find, Kill Captain Haunt Location Guide

Last Updated on October 27, 2019

Captain Haunt is the final boss for the Bloody Harvest event if you’ve reached him this is the end of the quest. The game has been stale for a while, with the bloody harvest update people are finally enjoying a bit. The nerfs last update ware pretty harsh and people were really upset about them.

Everyone is busy completing their quest which starts from searching ghosts in the galaxy and then moving further with eliminating a set of enemies. This set of enemies includes many bosses such as Captain Haunt, El Dragon Jr, and Haunted Borman Nates. You also get the Fearmonger upon taking down the Captain Haunt, this is a pretty good legendary shotgun only available for the duration of the event.

Update: Captain Haunt’s Loot Drop Rate has been increased by Gearbox with the recent patch. Go get the bloody harvest loot; Ghast Call, Fearmonger, Stalker Sniper, and Scream of The Terror Shield.

How To Find Captain Haunt Location

Captain Haunt is the haunted version of the Captain Traunt that you find in Ethenas. However, Haunt’s location is not the same. Heading to Captain Haunt requires a little bit of grinding, below are the steps

  • First, you have to obtain 25 Hecktoplasms, these drop after eliminating haunted enemies, Click here for best Hecktoplasm farming location.
  • After that head to Maurice located near the Mayhem panel
  • Give her the 25 Hecktoplasms
  • This will open a portal to Hekk Hole
  • This is where you will find the boss.

Just make your way forward once you are spawned in Hekk Hole. You will eventually reach the boss fight.

How To Kill Captain Haunt

Once you have reached the area where he is, there will be a few enemies. Keep eliminating any enemies that spawn, after some time a keymaster will arrive, you might have to eliminate a few of them. These keymasters will be your key to opening the gate. After this, you will be headed to the fight, take down haunt’s shield (using electric damage weapons). When you have taken away around 1/3 of his health, a few Shielding Pylacteries will arrive to protect him, eliminate them and continue damaging the boss.

This is How You find and Kill Captain Haunt. Do remember that Captain Haunt also drops the Legendary Fearmonger Shotgun, which is only available for the duration of the event.

Happy Hunting Vault Hunters!

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Written by Vikas

Hey, I am Vikas. I've had a longstanding passion for computing and gaming for over a decade now. With a computer science degree under my belt sparking my initial interest in the industry from a young age, you'll often find me immersed for hours in the latest PC titles, especially enjoying multiplayer online games, while also enjoying sharing my insights and reviews. My work has been featured on IGN, Kotaku, MSN and Forbes to name a few. In my spare time, I read books and play with my cats. You can read more about me here. My favorite games are Destiny 2, Warframe, COD Cold War, and Minecraft.

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