Best Hunter Stasis Build for PvP & PvE – Season 19

Last Updated on December 5, 2022

Best Stasis Build for Hunters – Hunters are up for a hard season as many exotics are getting nerfed in Season 17. Bungie has already nerfed the Renewal Grasps exotic, which was entirely uncalled for. So the build that I am creating today is created keeping that in mind. After the Witch Queen update, most players shifted to Void due to the 3.0 changes. But using suppression and tether has become boring after two months, so I have switched back to Stasis Build.

Also, let’s not forget that Stasis is now the best PvP subclass; if you play the class right, you will be freezing enemies left and right. Roaming supers will be ineffective against you. This is not applicable to invisibility hunters with The Sixth Coyote.

Changes to Renewal Grasps (Hotfix

  • While equipped, Renewal Grasps now increases the base cooldown of the Duskfield Grenade from 62s to 152s. 
  • The outgoing damage penalty applied to players affected by a Renewal Grasps’ Duskfield Grenade has been reduced from 50% to 20%.
    • Damage unchanged vs. PvE targets. 

The cooldown isn’t affected if you don’t have Renewal Grasps equipped, which looks like a bug. The Damage reduction doesn’t impact PvE, so the exotic still works well PvE.

Best Hunter Stasis Build for PvP (Crucible & Trials of Osiris)

After the nerf to Renewal Grasps, the PvP build isn’t that great anymore because getting back the grenade takes a very long time now. The resist also been decreased. So, we will be using another Stasis Exotic Called “Mask of Bakris”.

If you don’t have the Mask of Bakris, you can target farm Lost Sectors when Exotic Helmets are in rotation.

  • Super: Silence and Squall
  • Armor Stat: 100 Mobility
  • Class Ability: Marksman Dodge
  • Movement: Triple Jump
  • Melee: Withering Blade
  • Grenade: Duskfield Grenade
  • Exotic Armor: Mask of Bakris


Touch of Winter: Your Grenades now have enhanced functionality. Duskfield Grenade will create a slow field and small Stasis Crystal on Impact.

Shatterdive: Activate while midair to descend and shatter nearby targets on impact quickly.


Whisper of Chains: You take reduced damage from targets when you are near frozen targets or a friendly [Stasis] Stasis crystal. Throw your Duskfield Grenade while going for 1v1s.

Whisper of Durance: Slow from your abilities lasts longer. For those abilities that linger, their duration will also increase.

Whisper of Torment: You gain grenade energy each time you take damage from targets. In PvP, you’re always going to be receiving damage from enemies, so this will help you get back your Duskfield Grenade.

This Exotic has flown under the radar for a while now because few people seem to be using it. While using this exotic, your dodge is replaced with Shift; you can quickly teleport behind enemies and one-shot them with your shotgun. This will help you win your 1v1 fights easily as most of the enemies will be caught off guard.

Now that we are done with the PvP build, let’s move to the PvE build.

Best Hunter Stasis Build for PvE (Raids, Gambit, & GM Nightfalls)

The nerf that we’ve talked about earlier affects the Renewal Grasps build. This doesn’t mean the exotic is completely useless now; you just have to play a litter safer and slower.

  • Super: Silence and Squall
  • Armor Stat: 100 Discipline
  • Class Ability: Gambler’s Dodge
  • Movement: Triple Jump
  • Melee: Withering Blade
  • Grenade: Duskfield Grenade
  • Exotic Armor: Renewal Grasps
  • Weapon Recommendation: Any Stasis Weapon with Headstone Perk.


Touch of Winter: Your Grenades now have enhanced functionality. Duskfield Grenade will create a slow field and small Stasis Crystal on Impact.

Grim Harvest: Defeating slowed or Frozen Combatants will spawn Stasis Shards. Collecting these Shards will grant melee energy to you and your allies.


Whisper of Shards: Shattering a Shard Crystal will boost your Grenade regeneration rate. Throwing your Duskfield Grenade on enemies, taking them down and shattering the Crystal is what we will do.

Whisper of Rime: Collecting Stasis Shard will grant a small amount of overshield that wears off after 10 seconds. Collecting additional shards will add to this timer and give more shields.

Whisper of Chains: You take reduced damage from targets when nearby Frozen Targets or a friendly Stasis Shard.

Whisper of Durance: Slow from your abilities last longer.

Whisper of Conduction: Stasis Shards track to your position, granting you overshield.

Mod Configuration

  • Helmet (❄Stasis Element): Harmonic Siphon, Power Preservation, and Elemental Shards.
  • Gloves (❄Stasis Element): Champion/Barrier Mod, Melee Kickstart, and Elemental Charge.
  • Chest (🔥Solar Element): Damage Resist Mods x2 and Firepower.
  • Legs (🔥Solar Element): Innervation, Recuperation and Firepower.
  • Class Item (🔥 Solar Element): Lucent Finisher and Firepower.

While running this Build, throw your Duskfield Grenade on your enemies and destroy the Statis crystal in the middle. Also, make sure to keep dodging around enemies. I also tried running this build without the exotic and was able to survive just fine; the grenade uptime gets better without it anyway.

You can read about Grandmaster Nightfall builds and Void 3.0 builds for Hunter, Titan and Warlock. The current meta is dominated by Void 3.0, but it won’t stay the same when Artefact mods are taken out in Season 17.

These were the Stasis Builds for Hunter relevant in the current meta. Season 17 is just around the corner, and we’ll have to make changes; until then, enjoy.

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Written by Vikas

Hey, I am Vikas. I've had a longstanding passion for computing and gaming for over a decade now. With a computer science degree under my belt sparking my initial interest in the industry from a young age, you'll often find me immersed for hours in the latest PC titles, especially enjoying multiplayer online games, while also enjoying sharing my insights and reviews. My work has been featured on IGN, Kotaku, MSN and Forbes to name a few. In my spare time, I read books and play with my cats. You can read more about me here. My favorite games are Destiny 2, Warframe, COD Cold War, and Minecraft.

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